Saturday, September 25, 2010

Deacon and His New Woman

This is Deacon and Hannah. The 2nd day of school, I went to pick him up and as we got Deacon's backpack I heard someone crying. It turned out it was Hannah all because Deacon was leaving and that is where it all began. The next week we went to pick him up and thought that we were seeing double, until we discovered that Hannah is an identical twin...nice my son is already going after the identical twins his Dad is quite proud.
Today was Hannah and Vannessa's birthday and so we went up to the Woodlands to their party at the children museum there. Little did I know that he would end up being the guest of honor. As soon as the girls saw him, both were so excited and saying...Deacon, Deacon, Deacon. Then their Mom explained to me how Hannah really has a crush on Deacon and always wants to know where Deacon is. Once it became time for opening presents, they opened Deacon's first. After they got done they came over and gave Deacon a hug...or at least tried to. As they were walking over their Mom was instructing the Dad to take a picture of this...and Deacon was running circles around me trying to get away. To top it all off, one of their grandmothers came over and asked what my sons name was....when I replied Deacon. She said Oh that's Deacon and then gave a little smile. I'm a little scared to see what 16 looks like if it is getting this serious at 3!


bmassey said...

Trouble already! I love this story!

AngieH said...

I was in tears reading this!!!
How funny! But this was a really first love for my little Hannah! They still ask daily about Deacon and miss him so much!
Hope guys you are doing great there!
Take care