Monday, January 5, 2009

More Pumpkins and Halloween

We went to the aquarium in Houston and outside they had the biggest pumpkin! I took a picture with Pawpaw.

We went to a Fall Festival at a local church. Deacon is still scared of the blow-up jumping toys, but he did love the petting zoo with the goats and miniature horses.

Here is a Deacon with his I love Mummy shirt. :)

Everyone debated all night if the costume was an alligator or dinosaur, but with a face like that...he was just cute. :)

This is Deacon's buddy Jonathan. His dad is the new music minister at the church and Jonathan and Deacon are only 10 days apart! They have a lot of fun playing together.

Here is Deacon with Captain Redbeard (a local celebrity), but we like to call him Daddy.

Now Deacon gets to trunk or treat with Mommy before we brave the craziness inside where the games are.

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